Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My opinion about persuasive speech

The meaning of persuasive speech is a written to persuade or convince the listeners,of the validity of the speaker's argument and also to attract customer to buy our own product.We should do our own design for our product different with original design.I'm so enjoy with persuasive speech because during the presentation we get many sample of product for example body shampoo,chocolates,flowers and drink. Persuasive speech give me a lot of guiding in making the presentation,even though I was nervous when doing it.Persuasive speech made me more courage to face with public.My group also give me spirit to make the best presestation.

All  my classmate have their own skill,creativity,and idea to do the persuasive speech.I really enjoy during the presentaion.Many types of product that they present for example tupper ware.fresh flower.chocolates,ice cream,body shampoo and scaff.Their own packaging is very nice,unique and colourfull.The name of product also unique.They also know how to attract the customers to buy their product.So far I am very satisfied with my persuasive speech and my classmate presentation.I hope I can get the higher marks.  

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